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Home Our Vision

Our Vision

The energy world is undergoing a radical transformation ...

... and we are an actor of this change.

We believe that the replacement of historical fossil fuels by renewable energies has already begun.


Today, the viability of traditional energy sources such as coal, oil, gas, and even nuclear power is being challenged down to their economic model by solar energy. The cost of solar energy has fallen so much over the past 10 years that grid parity will be a reality in the very near future.

"Using less of the Earth's resources more efficiently and productively in a circular economy and making the transition from carbon-based fuels to renewable energies are defining features of the economic paradigm."

- Jeremy Rifkin


Beyond its mere advantage for the environment,

investing in solar energy is also relevant at an economic level

Our know-how in power plant designs, in the optimization of the operating expenses through extremely efficient processes of supervision and maintenance provides us with a unique competitive advantage.


Our vision is that of an integrated industrial actor. Apart from financing, designing, building and operating our solar power plants, we are the shareholders of all the assets that we develop and remain present during the entire lifetime of the plants in order to ensure their operational management and maintenance.